
Blossburg V.I.B.E.
Blossburg V.I.B.E. (Visions in Business & Entertainment) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization created in 2004 with the support of Blossburg Improvement Association and Blossburg Borough Council that envisions, plans and implements projects to enhance the quality of life for those who live, work, play or attend school in the Blossburg, PA area.

Every awesome event, project, or new thing to do in town starts with an idea. Maybe you’re strolling the River Walk or picking up milk at the grocery store, and that new idea comes to you

We guide you and your idea through project planning, team organization, fundraising, and communication strategies. We know who you need to talk to and are happy to make the introductions

We can walk you through the various processes and get you and your idea ready to be implemented and launched. This is how we give back to the community.
“Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in”.
~Author Unknown
4th Wednesday of the Month
6:30 pm
The Farmer’s Table
242 Main St.
Blossburg, PA 16912
Annual Meeting / Officer Elections in July
No December Meeting
To become a part of V.I.B.E., stop by one of our meetings. We meet on the 4th Wednesday of each month, 6:30 pm, The Farmer’s Table – 242 Main St., Blossburg. There’s no dues for volunteer membership, no initiation, just show up with your ideas and energy. We can help you bring your vision to life.
E-mail info@blossburgvibe.org for more information.
Our Core Team

Brian McClure
Leader of the pack. Super-Volunteer. Shows up out of nowhere when you most need help

Vice President
Annie Brooks
Multi-purpose Organizer of everything that need done. Super-Volunteer. Takes on the big tasks in every organization

Crystal Barnard
Master Planner, Super-Volunteer. Willing to blindly jump into a new role, simply for the thrills

Jackie Smith
Handler of everything unwanted. Super-Volunteer. Master Researcher and Organizer. The person who gets all of the calls because the rest of us are introverts

Josh Jones
Supreme Technologist that makes all of our technology play nice and just work. Master Researcher, Organizer, and Planner. Super-Volunteer. The handler of giant picnic tables

Tonya McNamara
Super-Volunteer, Researcher, and Organizer. Weaves the community together and binds it with yarn

Heather Deitrick
Super-Volunteer, Researcher, and Organizer. The Master of Coin and all questions finance

Joe Bubacz
Super-Volunteer, Master Organizer of all things Running. Coordinator. The Spreadsheet Wizard

Wendy Jones
Super-Volunteer, Organizer, Coordinator. Super-enjoys phone calls and texts about yard sales

Jill Nickerson
Master Researcher, Organizer, Planner, Grant Writer, Super-Volunteer. Her skills in whipping up an idea and turning it into reality are unmatched

Courtney Heatley
Master Researcher, Google Forms Expect, Information Wrangler, Super-Volunteer
Blossburg V.I.B.E. Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/blossburgvibe
Blossburg V.I.B.E. Instagram: https://instagram.com/blossburgvibe/
Blossburg Together Facebook Group: https://facebook.com/groups/blossburgtogether
Blossburg, PA (blossburg.org) Facebook Page: https://facebook.com/BlossburgPA
Blossburg, PA Borough Facebook Page: https://facebook.com/BlossburgPABorough
Blossburg V.I.B.E. Fall Festival Facebook Page: https://facebook.com/BlossburgVibeFallFestival
Blossburg V.I.B.E. Fall Festival Instagram: https://instagram.com/blossburgvibefallfestival/
Blossburg, PA – https://blossburg.org
Blossburg, PA Borough – https://blossburgborough.org